April 05, 2025
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
605 Westminster Pike Reisterstown, MD 21136
Is the Holy Spirit drawing you to a time of renewal in your spiritual life? Are you tired of carrying around all of the burdens of things in your past? Do you know how to get to the place in the Lord where you know you are walking according to His plan for your life? Yearning for Renewal is the first of a new Women’s Discipleship study series known as LifeRenew-ers. At the end of the twelve weeks, you will be well on your way to becoming the vibrant disciple God had planned for you all along. Your life will be changed. In addition, completion of this study provides you the opportunity to receive a certificate for memorizing the included scriptures. Yearning for Renewal takes you through the process of casting off the things God never intended you to wear or carry. It teaches you how to apply scriptures to your life day-by-day. These scriptures will break strongholds and set you free. Not only will Yearning for Renewal revitalize you in your spirit and relationship with the Lord, but it will also help you to discover how to stay renewed in your Christian walk. Invite a few friends and renew yourselves in the Lord! He is waiting!